Best of SLRR - Neumoegen Station
[Images Redacted]
On a functional level, the Neumoegen station (Neumoegen 109, 153) can be admired on the basis of the builder's skill alone. The sinuous, organic quality of the structural connection clearly demonstrates of the art of the possible. The shadow maps applied directly to textures serves to clearly differentiate the various surfaces of the objects. The scale and height of the structure minimize camera problems associated with many builds.
On another level, and perhaps more importantly, the Neumoegen station is a significant example of an appropriate work of architecture for a virtual world such as the world of SL. It transcends the limitations imposed by RL, without imitating it. It bends the rules of structural logic, without bowing down to them or throwing them out altogether.
Finally, it has a strong narrative quality without appearing like a set-piece, or diorama, although this forum post (requires login) might suggest otherwise.
If only the railroad itself worked as well as this station. Those of you who have tried to ride it know what I'm talking about.
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